Welcome to Trading Spaces! This is a site devoted to everyone's favorite
half-Kree Captain Marvel, who appears in the monthly title Captain Marvel
published by Marvel Comics. Each month he strives to fulfill his never-ending
quest; to seek out and eliminate those forces which threaten the Universe!
If you have any questions about the site or Captain Marvel why not check out
the FAQ. And if that doesn't answer your question
get in touch with me.
» U-DECIDE Sales Chart
Captain Marvel |
#1 |
26 |
53,248 |
-- |
#2 |
50 |
31,906 |
-- |
#3 |
84 |
24,536 |
-- |
#3 (Ross)** |
141 |
14,041 |
-- |
#4 |
58 |
30,439 |
154,170 |
Marville |
#1 (foil)* |
79 |
25,451 |
-- |
#1* |
85 |
24,623 |
-- |
#2 |
66 |
27,270 |
-- |
#3 |
99 |
21,494 |
-- |
#4 |
113 |
17,266 |
116,104 |
Ult. Adventures |
#1 |
46 |
35,170 |
-- |
#2 |
59 |
28,412 |
-- |
#3 |
81 |
25,097 |
-- |
#4 |
71 |
27,365 |
116,044 |
* Marville #1 had two listings - one each for the regular and foil variant covers.
** Captain Marvel #3 had two listings - one each for the regular and Alex Ross editions.
» Recent News and Updates
December 7, 2002 @ 3:27 PM AST
Well, I'm finally starting to get things back on track. I've added four
cover scans and I hope to have some image scans from volume 4 up sometime this
week. I'm also going to get some more work done on the database section over my
Christmas break.
October 29, 2002 @ 10:53 PM ADT
I really meant to have the review up of CM #1 by that weekend in September.
No, seriously, I did. But, things have been incredibly hectic since school
started. I'm taking an extra course this term, and on top of that I had about
10 medical school applications to get sent out. As for the reviews section,
there are enough sites out there that write them, so I'm going to make the
summaries more in-depth instead and remove the reviews when I have a chance.
I'm hoping to have some scans up and get caught up on some other
sections by next week sometime but it all depends on how my schedule is.
September 18, 2002 @ 10:42 PM ADT
Well, I picked up my copy this afternoon. I was going to get the ChrisCross
cover but the Alex Ross one was too damn cool. Not that the others weren't, I
just liked this one the best. Anywho, the story was fantastic and the art
looked terrific throughout the vast majority of the book. However - SPOILERS
AHEAD! - it was somewhat confusing in the scene where
Genis first meets the dying alien. But other than that minor quibble,
this was one heckuva great issue, and my favorite so far.
September 18, 2002 @ 3:03 PM ADT
Potential spoilers found in linked sites
Well, today's the day that Marville #1, Ult. Adventures #1 and, of course,
Captain Marvel #1 are released to comic stores. If you haven't already
picked them up Silver Bullet
Comics has some comments
about CM 31 as well as some preview art. Also,
TheFourthRail.com has reviews for all
three U-DECIDE titles with both Randy and Don giving CM #1 the highest rating
out of all three.
I'll be picking up my copy after classes end tonight so I might post a few
comments then. And I'll try to have a formal review up by the weekend along
with some scans.
September 4, 2002 @ 5:50 PM ADT
The numbers that I recently put up for the sales and the U-DECIDE info were
wrong; they were the dollar values, not the actual quantity of comics sold. The
situation has now been rectified however.
September 2, 2002 @ 11:55 AM ADT
X-Fan has some Marvel news
from Dragon*Con, including some on
Captain Marvel. Issue #1 features the same story that would've appeared in
issue #36 if this U-DECIDE stunt hadn't occurred, in which Genis goes insane
from his cosmic awareness. Issue #2 will indeed feature the Punisher and Thor
will be appearing in #7. Click here for
the full story.
August 30, 2002 @ 9:02 PM ADT
I haven't had as much time to work on the site as I would've liked but I did
manage to get the first couple projects for the Humor
section up a couple weeks back. Two of the sections I'm working on require
quite a bit of research so I don't know when I'll have them up. Anywho, I've
updated the Sales Chart and as you've no doubt
noticed, added info for the three titles participating in the U-DECIDE stunt up
above. Ta ta.
News Archives
This site is best viewed with the Verdana font and a screen resolution of 800 by 600 or higher.
Trading Spaces is created and maintained by Louis
Digout. Captain Marvel, and the distinctive likeness(es) thereof are Trademarks of Marvel Characters, Inc. and are used without permission. All
original content copyright © 2002 Louis Digout.