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Captain Marvel #34
Cover By ChrisCross
Peter David / ChrisCross / Rich Perrota
As Captain Marvel squares off for the final showdown with the Magus, Rick
Jones and Marlo face a most unexpected peril in the Microverse... while
Moondragon faces her worst nightmare!
Captain Marvel #35
Cover by Udon
Peter David / TBD
It's the last issue! Well, the last issue before next month's big relaunch!
Captain Marvel #1
Covers by ChrisCross, Joe Jusko and Alex Ross
Peter David / ChrisCross
A new-reader-friendly beginning for Marvel's best-reviewed book! Okay, you
know CAPTAIN MARVEL is one of the most critically acclaimed titles in the
entire industry -- and now Peter David and ChrisCross invite you to find out
why! Big changes are coming for the son of Mar-Vell, and you can get in on the
ground floor right here... when Cap goes crazy!
Trading Spaces is created and maintained by Louis
Digout. Captain Marvel, and the distinctive likeness(es) thereof are Trademarks of Marvel Characters, Inc. and are used without permission. All
original content copyright © 2002 Louis Digout.