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[ Captain Marvel Questions ]
Who's Captain Marvel?
The current Captain Marvel is named Genis-Vell and is the son of the
original Captin Marvel in the Marvel Universe, Mar-Vell. He is a Kree-human
hybrid who was artificially conceived and aged. For more info on Captain Marvel
read his biography.
But what about all these other people I keep hearing about?
The original Captain Marvel was a Kree warrior and is Genis' deceased
father. The second Captain Marvel was a member of the Avengers and currently
goes by the name Photon. The DC Captain Marvel gets his powers when he's struck
by lightning after saying "Shazam!"
So how did the original Captain Marvel die?
Mar-Vell was battling the villain Nitro and used his own powers to contain
a nerve gas that Nitro had stolen in its container. However, this gas was
carcinogenic and Mar-Vell later died from an incurable cancer on Saturn's moon
What's the Negative Zone?
The Negative Zone is a parallel universe composed of antimatter. Rick Jones
and the original Captain Marvel switched places between this universe and the
Negative Zone. However, thanks to Kelly's reality altering powers, Genis and
Rick now switch between the regular universe and the Microverse, instead of the
Negative Zone.
What's the Microverse?
The Microverse is a sub-atomic realm. Thanks to Kelly's reality altering
powers, Genis and Rick switch between the regular universe and this place,
instead of the Negative Zone.
What's the Destiny War?
The Destiny War was a battle involving Rick, Immortus, Kang, several
Avengers and the Time Keepers. Essentially the Time Keepers want to keep
humanity contained to Earth because in some timelines humans were corrupt.
Thanks to good'ol Rick however their plans were quashed. For more info see the
Avengers Forever page.
How do the Nega-Bands work?
The Nega-Bands convert psionic energy stored within Captain Marvel's cells
into increased strength, grant him increased resilience, the power of flight,
the ability to fire beams of energy from the bands, and the ability to survive
unprotected in space. They also allow Captain Marvel and Rick Jones to switch
places between the Microverse and the regular universe.
What's Captain Marvel's link to the Avengers?
Well, his future self appeared in the Avengers Forever maxi-series where we
learn that he will eventually become a member. Also, the original Captain
Marvel was an honorary member of the team.
How many Captain Marvel series have there been?
There have been three Captain Marvel series published by Marvel. The first
starred the original Captain Marvel and ran from 1968 to 1979. The second
starred the current Captain Marvel and lasted for six issues in 1995 - 96.
And then there's the current run which has been published since November 1999.
What's this "cosmic awareness" stuff?
Basically it's an ability that allows Genis to see probable and actual
outcomes in the future.
Who are Rick and Marlo?
Rick Jones is currently molecularly bonded to Captain Marvel and the two
trade spaces (now you see where I got the name from) between the Microverse and
the regular universe by banging together the Nega-Bands. Marlo Chandler-Jones
is Rick's wannabe-actress wife who runs a comic book store. For more info on
Rick read his biography and the
Avengers Forever page. For Marlo see her
Why is the series being relaunched?
Well, it all started with Marvel deciding to increse the price of CM (along
with Black Panther and Spider-Girl which also sold poorly) to $2.75 to keep
them from being cancelled. Peter David thought that this price increase would
further decrease sales on the title and wrote a letter saying he'd take a pay
decrease to keep the title at $2.50. Anyways, a whole big fracas ensued that's
too much to get into and voila we have CM being relaunched. For more info try
searching Newsarama since they
carried the story in its entirety.
[ Site Questions ]
What do you use to create your site?
I use Editpad - basically Notepad with a few more features added to it - to
do the HTML; can't stand those WYSIWYG editors. I use Paint Shop Pro 7 to scan
and edit the pictures, and I use Webimage to convert the graphics.
Why isn't file (insert filename here) showing up properly?
Well sometimes I forget to upload some files (usually cover images) when I
update the site. I almost always notice right away but if there's any out there
that I haven't just mail me.
Can you link to my page please?
Sure can, all I ask for is one in return.
Where do I submit fanart / fanfics?
Just mail me with the
appropriate info; name, email, website address and the pictures for fanart; and
name, email, website address, the story in *.txt format and anything that
should be noted (profanity, sexual connotations, etc) for fanfic.
Can I use pictures / info contained in your page?
I'm sorry but the answer is no. I've put a lotta work into this website and
I don't want other people to just take pictures, bios, etc and the credit that
goes along with them.
Trading Spaces is created and maintained by Louis
Digout. Captain Marvel, and the distinctive likeness(es) thereof are Trademarks of Marvel Characters, Inc. and are used without permission. All
original content copyright © 2002 Louis Digout.